There is now a great 8ball pool ebook available at www.8ballsecrets.com This ebook although quite short, give extensive detail into the sport, so much detail infact that there are microscopic images of the 8ball world. A great range of knowledge is available here. A free sample lesson ebook is available at the website www.8ballsecrets.com This goes great with the full price ebook.
The ebook was originally a questionaire that became an ebook, 100's of people filled in the questionaire about what the problems in their pool game were and the book just followed on from that. Inside details several key features of the game of 8ball strategies, techniques and knowledge.
This ebook is alive! This ebook will be updated regularly until if/when the website is shutdown. This is really a great idea.
One more thing: If the ebook does not answer your questions then you can email the author This allows me to be able to find out the answers to some problems I've been having with my stroke.
Final Verdict: Maybe a little short of pages at the moment, but for the $14.80 with the services of free updates and the ability to email and 8ball questions to the author then this really is great value.
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